Sunday, June 24, 2018

Afternoon tea in Tokyo series: Aman Tokyo

The mission to try the different afternoon tea places in Tokyo continues. This time, headed to Aman Tokyo. Grateful that Lionel was in town so the whole experience was more memorable. I made the reservations a few days earlier. Thankfully, I was able to get a window seat. It was rainy that day but the panoramic view of the Imperial Palace Gardens from the 33rd floor was still relaxing.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Grateful for visiting friends...

The heavens have been really kind to me lately.

Probably aware of the fact that I've been missing my friends and aware of the challenge of finding real friends in the city, the gods have been very kind to make sure that friends from Manila, Singapore, and elsewhere come to Tokyo either for vacation or a business trip recently. Yay!

A few weeks ago, the ex's best friend was in town. Last week, Makii and Paul were in town. This week, Lionel is in town.

Really grateful for friends who come to Tokyo whether it's for vacation or for business.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Today's writing practice:


タイのニュース、タイの南の海岸(かいがん)で鯨 (くじら)が見つかりました。その鯨は雄(おす)です。





Friday, June 1, 2018


Today's writing practice:



ノダさんにとって点横柄kたと皇后さまの絵を描くのは光栄 (こうえい)だと思います。天皇陛下と皇后さまの絵を描く人は少しです。どんな絵だろう。見たいです。