Monday, June 30, 2008

Mag-UPiktyuran na...

Saturday afternoon was spent in UP Diliman. All I've been seeing the past few weeks are malls, and I needed a change of environment. That and the fact that I'm on a shoestring budget. Haha! (I need to find a job on the side. Hmm...)

Anyway, it was great to be back in the university. Reena and I took some photos at the Oblation. First time I've ever gotten my photo with the Oblation. Hehehe! And then we went to the Shopping Center. I suddenly remembered how affordable it is to be in UP. P5 gulaman and yummy street ice cream for P25. Hah! Then it was walking time, which I really wanted to do. I wanted a round of the university oval, but since it drizzled, we were only able to do half of the oval. Hehe! While waiting for the rain to stop, we hung out at Vinzons Hall where other students also sought shelter. The rain finally stopped and we continued walking, and we spent another hour at the benches of Sunken Garden just talking and people watching. Hehehe! It was a good Saturday.

By the way, we have a promo for UP constituents: UPiktyuran Na! with Smart: UP Centennial Smart MMS Photo Competition! Click here for details.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Angelina Jolie and two Koreans for the weekend...

Watched Wanted last Friday at Rockwell. The movie opened that week so as expected, it was full house. Planned to watch the 8:05 screening but ended up getting a later screening, because all the good seats were already taken.

Anyway, I was a bit disappointed with the movie. Though the movie had a good cast, James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, and Angelina Jolie (who I loved in Mr. & Mrs. Smith and A Mighty Heart, among others), the reaction I had on my way out of the cinema was "what was the whole point?" Yes, the action sequences were great and again, I liked Mrs. Pitt's acting but then I didn't really understand what the central message of the movie was - searching for the truth? standing up for oneself? justifying the means with the end? taking charge of your life? I couldn't tell. Haha! The movie was also rather long, almost two hours.

Saturday night, on the other hand, was spent hanging out with Reena and Rhyz at the former's house. I dragged Reena to go to UP Diliman in the afternoon (that's a separate entry) and in the evening, Rhyz joined us.

We watched the Korean version of the movie "My Sassy Girl." I'm not sure if this was also the TV series, although someone may have mentioned that this was different from the series. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. Haha! Not only because it was a cheesy film (Haha!), but because I liked the flow of the story. It didn't have the usual formula of boy meets girl, they fall in love, they fight, they make up and live happily ever after - and that's one of the reason why I liked the film.

I liked how the guy took it upon himself to "cure the girl from her grief." He didn't know the girl, but he just let down his guard and let the girl into his life. And in the process of "helping" her, he gets to know her more and by simply being the support system of the fragile girl, he was becoming the guy for her. There were several moments of laughter throughout the film, but I was also a bit moved by that scene where the girl asked the guy to go to the opposite side of the mountain and there, she took off her tough exterior and just poured out her heart's content. How the film ended was also rather interesting.

I guess I liked the film because it reminded me that every now and then, that's what we have to do in real life, huh. We're afraid to get hurt again, but when someone new comes along, we just have to take the leap, lower our guard and let the person in. Otherwise, we wouldn't see the person for who she or he really is, because we're so scared of getting hurt, because we're too worried of how things will turn out this time. And if one is the other person, one can give freely and wait. And if nothing happens, at least, one would have made a difference by simply choosing to care.

Eeeep, I'm going to stop now before the dam of emotions breaks. Haha! There's an English version of the film, and I think I'd like to see that just to compare and find out which one is able to stir more emotion. Haha!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Taga-UP ka ba? Get a chance to win a Smart Bro Plug-it with an Asus eeePC laptop!

Taga-UP ka ba? You have 100 days to showcase and share your stories by joining the UP Centennial SMART MMS Photo Competition!

As part of the university’s Centennial celebration, SMART partners with the UP Diliman College of Mass Communications to launch the UPiktyuran Na! with SMART: UP Centennial SMART MMS Photo Competition. The photo contest urges all UP students, alumni, faculty and employees to share their own stories about their experiences in the university, not through words but via images taken using a camera phone and submitted through SMART’s MMS service.

Tell your UP story by sending in photos that contain elements symbolic of or clearly attributed or connected to the University of the Philippines. The convenience and imaging capabilities of mobile phones have made all this easy. So no matter what UP campus you come from or where you are in the world —makipag-UPiktyuran ka na!

The Top Ten outstanding photos win a SMART Bro Prepaid Plug-it each and Asus eeePC laptop! With SMART Bro’s nationwidest coverage, you’re sure to have affordable broadband internet access anytime and anywhere you need it.

Join the UPiktyuran Na! with SMART, UP Centennial SMART MMS Photo Competition now. Log on to to view entries. The competition runs from June 22 to September 29, 2008.

How to Join:

1. The UPiktyuran Na! with Smart: UP Centennial SMART MMS Photo Competition will run from June 22 to September 29, 2008.

2. The contest is open to all Smart and Talk 'N Text subscribers affiliated with the University of the Philippines (students, alumni, faculty members or employees)

3. MMS photo entries must be taken with a camera phone and submitted through MMS.

4. MMS photo entries should communicate the participant's story about UP experiences to illustrate what being part of UP and its Centennial celebration means. It must contain elements that are symbolic of or that are clearly attributed or connected to UP.

5. Photo entries must be taken within the official competition duration.

6. To enter, participants must first register by texting UP REG to 5355

Example: UP REG Bona Sy/UP Diliman/Alumni

7. Registration to the competition is free and participants will receive a text message confirming their registration.

8. To start sending MMS photo entries, subscribers must simply create an MMS message, type UP </span>, attach their photo entry taken with a camera phone, and send this to <span style="font-weight: bold;">5355</span>. Each MMS photo entry sent will cost P1.00.<br><br>Example: <span style="font-weight: bold;">UP Sunken Garden </span><br><br>9. Participants can submit as many entries as they like.<br><br>10. Submitted entries can be viewed at <a href=""></a> within 24 to 48 hours after submission to the access number. <br><br>11. Winners will be chosen and judged on the basis of the following criteria: Creativity – 30%, Theme – 20%, Composition – 20%, and Originality – 30%. <br><br>12. Top ten MMS photo entries will be awarded <span style="font-weight: bold;">one Smart Bro Prepaid Plug-it and Asus eeePC laptop each</span>. <br><br>13. Final winners will be announced on October 10, 2008.<br><br>14. By sending the MMS photo to the access number and by participating in the contest, the participant agrees with the contest rules, mechanics, waivers and other terms and conditions. Full details of the rules and mechanics can be viewed at <a href=""> </a><br><br><font size="5"><span style="font-weight: bold;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Eksenang UP</span></font><br>Everyone has a story to tell, and SMART and the UP College of Mass Communications want yours. From the significant and meaningful, to the funny and extraordinary, take a shot of and spin a good yarn on those lasting memories and experiences of being part of the state university. A bunch of UP students and alumni snap stills of the campus life, sharing the sights, sounds, tastes, and faces that are an integral part of buhay UP. <br><br><font style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);" size="5"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Support your favorite MMS photo! </span></font><br>Not from UP? You can still participate by joining the <span style="font-weight: bold;">UPiktyuran Na! with SMART Polling Promo</span>.<br><br>View and vote for your favorite entries by checking out the competition microsite: <a href=""></a>. The entry that garners the most number of votes for the duration of the voting period receives the<span style="font-weight: bold;"> UPiktyuran Na! Texters’ Choice Award</span> as well as a special prize from SMART. <br><br>To vote, just type <span style="font-weight: bold;">UPVOTE <image number</span>> and send to<span style="font-weight: bold;"> 5355</span>. Each text vote will cost only P1.00.<br><br>Example: UPVOTE 98 <br><br><font style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);" size="5"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Let your voices be heard! You have until October 3, 2008 to declare your UPiktyuran pick.</span></font><br> <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-26T12:00:00+09:00'>12:00 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, June 25, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='4868180743376138352' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='4868180743376138352'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Some thoughts on the "ick" factor...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-4868180743376138352' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""><br>The ick factor. First heard on SATC. I read somewhere that "ick" originally referred to something overly sweet and sentimental. But the meaning changed to something that one doesn't like. (Because it's overly sweet? Hehe! I dunno.) For this post, we'll use the original meaning of that word.<br><br>Over a stick of cigarette, some girl friends and I were talking about the weight of the "ick" factor in dating and relationships. One friend was saying that it is important, especially when two people are just starting to date. Another friend was saying that she's already accepted the fact that men aren't programmed to be icky. Hmmm, I wonder if that also applies to the people in my team. Hehe! <br><br>Uhm, I dunno but I'd like to think that deep inside, I am cheesy. (Or maybe ask...? Haha!) I mean I enjoy giving little gifts, or writing thoughtful notes, or sometimes making a fool of myself if it means getting one to laugh. And to a certain point, I'd like the (non-existent) other half to be icky as well, at least to a certain point. I mean, c'mon. Who wouldn't want to be surprised with a cheesy text, especially when you're having a bad day? Or whose heart wouldn't want to skip a beat every now and then because he/she is told something mundane but sincerely sweet? Hehe! <br><br>Hmmm, I guess I'd say that the "ick" factor matters to me, for the simple reason that it gives one an amount of reassurance that the person is or still is into him/her. <br><br>I think that that small "ick" factor is the thing that distinguishes one's relationship from all the other existing relationships of a person. A friend was saying, "I know my closest friend could do the sweetest gesture. And of course, I'd appreciate it but it's different because it's a friend. When the one doing the ick thing is a potential other half, it's completely different. My heart races. And as corny as this may sound, I love the "kilig" feeling." <br><br>I had to agree. <br><br>Cue theme music... in this case, Breathe's How Can I Fall. Haha! <br><br>Alright, you can go ahead now and throw up.<br></span> <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-25T14:20:00+09:00'>2:20 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Tuesday, June 24, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7604033554288873808' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7604033554288873808'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>A baby boy is on his way...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7604033554288873808' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br>Yesterday afternoon, we had a baby shower at the office for one of our dearest colleagues, Grace. <br><br>Despite the pile of work that never seem to end, partly thanks to typhoon Frank, we still managed to squeeze the celebration into our busy schedules. Hehehe!<br><br>Of course, there was a lot of food. And certain games involving chopsticks and pacifiers and popping balloons were played. And gifts were offered to the baby boy we are all waiting for to come out into this world! Hehe! Tey, Moneigh, Reena, Maricris and I got grace this cute, sky blue, quilted comforter. From Baby Dior, naturally. (Just kidding! I wish! Hehe!) Our other colleagues gave adorable baby booties, bumper guard, and designer diapers called Mamypoko (when I was a baby, I was old-fashioned lampin all the way. What happened to that?! Hehe!).<br><br>It was a good baby shower, I think. Everyone had fun, and the mother to be looked really happy. So that's all that matters.<br><br>I like it that I work with the people I work with. They're all fun and creative and thoughtful. That's important I think. When I moved into my new cubicle, we literally had a ribbon-cutting ceremony and throwing of coins for my tiny cubicle. Haha! How crazy is that? For the birthday of my boss, we ordered a special cake that looked like a Vuitton Speedy. How many workplaces have an environment like this? Hehe! <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-24T04:52:00+09:00'>4:52 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Monday, June 23, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7215120826888127663' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7215120826888127663'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>100 Nudes, dinner and Made of Honor at Gateway...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7215120826888127663' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br><br>Hung out yesterday evening with two friends who I haven't seen for quite some time - Noreen and Kareen. Nope, they're not sisters. Neither are they twins, or lovers. Hehehe! It just so happened that their names sound alike. <br><br>Anyway, I haven't seen Noreen because she's been so busy writing for ABS-CBN and stalking Zanjoe. (Haha! Love you, friend.) But I'm happy for her because she's doing something that she loves. Kareen, on the other hand, is in between jobs so I think she's just been enjoying the free time. <br><br>We met up at Gateway Mall to check out the 100 Nudes exhibit of UP at the Mandarin Suites. It was a nice exhibit. There was a good combination of artists, from the masters to the contemporary to the new ones. There was also a variety of media - from pastel to wood sculptures to charcoal to pen and ink and so on.<br><br>We lent one of the pieces that is on display. It's a "Malakas and Maganda" sculpture by the late artist and our neighbor Anastacio Caedo. The piece has been in our house for the longest time and I haven't really been paying attention to it. Who knew it would be included in an exhibit like this? Hehe!<br><br>Afterwards, the three of us had a good dinner and catching up. The two girls also went shopping because of all the sale that was happening. Hehehe! And then we caught the last screening of Made of Honor. It was a so so movie. The only part I really enjoyed was when Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan had that chat and the door was between them. Cheesy person that I am, I enjoyed the confessions of the girl. All three of us were giggling because we were loving the lines. Hahaha!<br><br>Good Saturday night, I must say. <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-23T04:13:00+09:00'>4:13 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, June 21, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='126920607086717803' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='126920607086717803'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Ready to get on that bike again...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-126920607086717803' itemprop='description articleBody'> The last time I rode a bike was a little over two years ago. <br><br>It was something I enjoyed very much. When I wanted to have some thrill, I could pedal harder and increase my speed. When I wanted to just relax, I could just go at the speed I want to. It was great, and it was something that made me happy and laugh and just be bright about everything. <br><br>But then there was one time, when I thought I was doing well and when I least expected it, I fell...hard. Really hard. <br><br>And since then, I haven't been on one again. <br><br>There were times when I almost did, but it just never happened. Partly because I just didn't feel like it, partly because I've been too comfortable walking, partly because I've been too okay just hanging out with the best of my friends. <br><br>Uhm, last week, something made me want to try getting on a bike again. Just like the time that I fell hard, this one was also unexpected. I thought I'm 100% ready to get on one again, and I know I am. I really am. I've found myself smiling so many times already just thinking about how happy I was when I was biking, so there are days when I just really went to go and do it. <br><br>It's just that I'm scared like sh*t. What if I fall hard again? I don't know. I really wouldn't want to go through that again. But I also know that if I don't dare, I wouldn't also feel the thrill again. <br><br>Maybe I just need some reassurance from someone, to push to me to go for it, to tell me it's going to be fun, and if I do hurt myself again, there's no other thing to do but get up, attend to the wound and then go for it again. <br> <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-21T13:29:00+09:00'>1:29 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7436773872053829106' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7436773872053829106'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Three days of training are over...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7436773872053829106' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""><br>The past two days, plus today, have been spent out of the office. Along with some other colleagues from other departments, I attended a training on management and leadership. Although being out of the office the entire day meant having to spend a couple of hours more of work at the end of the day (to check emails, etc.), it was a good training.<br><br>The training was given by the Ateneo Center for Org. Research & Dev't, and our trainer, Jay, was good. He knew what he was talking about, and I absolutely loved the Keynote presentation. Haha! Sorry, but presentations really matter to me. If it's boring, augh, I'm surely going to tune out. Aside from the presentation, the guy was also funny so that kept us awake especially during the early afternoon sessions. Hehe! <br><br>Uhm, most of the concepts weren't new, but it's good to have gone through the training because things were reinforced. Hehe! The topics - managing work, managing your boss, coaching, conflict management - were all definitely helpful. <br><br>I don't really have people under me, but I'm sure the stuff would be useful when that day comes. Hehe! Or I can use it now with the clients/departments I interface with.<br><br>Lastly, the certificate was most amusing. There was a class photo, and that was nice. I was amused with the fact that they wrote my entire name on the certificate. Haha! The last time I saw my entire name was on my university diploma I think.<br></span> <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-21T12:00:00+09:00'>12:00 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, June 18, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3504100140752092531' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3504100140752092531'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Some sort of happy meal...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3504100140752092531' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span>Not sure if it's because of all the folders and papers on my desk, but I've slightly forgotten that I have this black CD case that has 80% of my Broadway soundtrack collection. There goes my OGT. And I've forgotten about how much I enjoy listening to these when I feel like I need to have my spirit lifted.<br><br>Anyway, the other night I opened that black CD case and checked the CDs. Miss Saigon, Rent, Rocky Horror, Aida, Wicked, Avenue Q, to name a few, were all there staring at me begging me to take at least one of them and place them on the CD drive of my PC. I've always been a fan of musicals, but I have to thank one person for really getting me to know more about it and have copies of the soundtrack. Thanks much.<br><br>Moving on, I took out Rent from the sleeve and played it. Since it was already past seven and there were only a few people left at the office, I sang along with the songs. Hehehe! <br><br>After Rent, it was time for Glinda and Elphaba, then the crazy bunch of Avenue Q. Hehehe! It was good and fun.<br><br>I needed some dose of showtunes especially right now when I feel like singing "It sucks to be me." Haha! <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-18T15:11:00+09:00'>3:11 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Monday, June 16, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='2272270024158667003' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='2272270024158667003'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Student campers, foundation scholars and MVP...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-2272270024158667003' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br>Last Thursday, I was asked to host the graduation of the Student Camp. It was fun. It was great seeing some of the campers again, especially because some of them have already become friends of sorts.<br><br>The Student Camp is a special kind of apprenticeship. Out of the 400 hundred applicants, less than a hundred were accepted to the program. The Student Campers then spend about 2 months training with the company. They also get to engage in "Kamustahan" sessions, where they met top execs like Mr. Polly Nazareno, and they also got to hang out with the TNT basketball players. So it was really a good internship, I should say.<br><br>Anyway, the program went well. I had more fun after the program because I got to hang out with the kiddies-Tatan and Francis from the Global Access group, and then from the Foundation together with Chelle, Abbie, Sarah and another kid who's name I forgot. Eeep! <br><br>We all just hung out, chatted, and enjoyed the drinks.<br><br>Oh, the other highlight was getting to be on stage again with the main man, MVP. It was nice seeing him enjoying the company of the kids. The guy really loves students I must say. I met MVP during the recruitment for the Student Camp, and now we see each other again at the closing program. Maybe the next time we see each other again, he'll already remember my name. Hehehe! <br><br>Uhm, lastly, I've been having some hosting gigs for the company. Aside from the Student Camp recruitment and the graduation, there was this awarding ceremony for scholars of the company's foundation. Hehehe! It's all good, but I have to say that I always, always get nervous before I go onstage. I hope it's not that obvious. But I'm really happy once we reach the closing part because that's the time that I can say the whole program was a success. Or at least, I'm happy. Hehehe! <br><!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-16T17:31:00+09:00'>5:31 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Sunday, June 15, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7806175151130847942' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7806175151130847942'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Smart Buddy Me na Me invades Cebu...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7806175151130847942' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br>Yesterday was the Smart Buddy Me na Me mall invasion in Manila and Cebu. Colleague Aimee and I were assigned to cover the Cebu leg. <br><br>Me na Me is the new campaign of Buddy for prepaid subscribers. The celebrity endorsers are Gerald Anderson, Kim Chiu, Angel Locsin, and Piolo Pascual.<br><br>Anyway, the idea for yesterday's gimmick was 150 individuals clad in the same shirt "invading" the major malls. In Cebu, the malls we invaded were SM City, Elizabeth Mall and Ayala Center. It was kind of fun seeing the reaction of the malllgoers when they saw the Me na Me mall invaders walking around the mall. Most of the crowd had a "What's happening" look on their faces as the throngs of people in green shirts passed them by. <br><br>The whole day was fun, but it was also tiring. It turned out to be a hot day and traffic was just horrible. Hehehe!<br><br>I was happy though because I made new friends, somehow. Though it was a quick event, I got to bond with the Me na Me kiddies from the group assigned to me. Hehe! <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-15T19:16:00+09:00'>7:16 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 comment: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, June 14, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7490496196653474588' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7490496196653474588'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Finally, tourist for an hour in Cebu...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7490496196653474588' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br>Finally, I was able to do something touristy in Cebu.<br><br>Aimee and I arrived in Cebu at 6AM. From the airport, we took a cab to her house where we had a good breakfast. I had frice rice and danggit. Yum! Afterwards, since we had about an hour to spare before work for the day began, Aimee brought me to one of the most popular landmarks in Cebu - the Basilica of the Sto. Niño.<br><br>There I saw the much-venerated Sto. Niño and a line of devotees patiently waiting for their turn to be in front of the child Jesus. That was the Sto. Niño that is brought out during the Grand Parade of the Sinulog Festival every January. <br><br>The other thing that amazed me was the retablo. It was fantastic. It was grand. It was to be adored. I don't know but I really find myself drawn to old churches and the old altars. Hehe! When we went to Iloilo, I was just in awe of the beautiful architecture of all the old churches.<br><br>On the side of the church was the courtyard. It kind of reminded me of Fr. Blanco's garden in Intramuros.<br><br>And then just oustide at the rear of the church is Magellan's Cross, the very cross Ferdinand magellan planted on Philippine shores in 1521 when he claimed the country for Prince Philip.<br><br>That's it. Maybe next time I visit Cebu, I'd get to see the beach. Haha!<br><br>For now, I'm happy that I've seen something other than the hotel, the airport and our Visayas office. <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-14T13:07:00+09:00'>1:07 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Thursday, June 12, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8964685421581817446' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8964685421581817446'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Burger naman diyan...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8964685421581817446' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br><br>I was craving for a burger since last weekend, but having taken a new path over a month ago, I knew that the numerous burger joints near my office just can't be. <br><br>So what do I do? <br><br>Despite the rain and the horrible EDSA traffic, I went all the way to QC just to satisfy my craving. On the way, I called good friend Bernice to see if she would be was free for dinnner. I told her where we'd be eating and by 830PM, we were making our way to Morato area.<br><br>Our destination was Greens. The last time I've been at that nice dining place was a couple of years ago. Once we got the menu, I started having thoughts about my tofu mushroom burger, because of all the other nice dishes. There was pasta and the tofu/mushroom kebab and shepherd's pie. Hay, they were all good but I decided to satisfy my craving and got the burger with fries and soy milk. Like me, Bernice was also going gaga over the menu because of all the good stuff. She decided to get the shepherd's pie with red rice and soy milk. <br><br>Over dinner, we had our usually light conversation about work, her scholarship results, among others. It was a good dinner. Hehe!<br><br>From Greens, we walked to the nearby bookstore (I forgot the name, yikes!) and checked out the pre-owned books on sale. There were a couple of titles I was interested in, but since I'm on a shoestring budget because of the August trip, I decided to not get any books. Hehe!<br><br>Greens at 92 Sct. Castor. On weekdays, it's open from 11AM - 10PM, while on weekends, it's from 12NN - 9PM. <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-12T04:42:00+09:00'>4:42 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Monday, June 9, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='456288139298014421' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='456288139298014421'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>The healer of the flesh now heals souls...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-456288139298014421' itemprop='description articleBody'> <p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"></span><br><span style="font-family: Helvetica; "></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; "><br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">Last week, I got an email from a friend in the US. He was in town. Jo is a fellow Pahinungod volunteer whom I met several years ago. I was new to Pahinungod and he was one of the seasoned volunteers. Uhm, I think we got to go on a couple of volunteer activities like immersion and a couple of medical missions. <br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">He left for the US not too long ago to do some post-graduate studies on human genetics. A doctor by profession, he surprised us all when he emailed that he was going to enter the seminary. He did, and last May 10, my friend the doctor was ordained to priesthood.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">From healing the weary body, Jo decided to move on to healing the weary soul. I was happy for him.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">Yesterday, I went to Sacred Heart church in Kamagong and waited for the 5PM Mass. Fr. Jo was officiating. It was surreal seeing him up on the altar dressed in a chausible, a stole, saying Mass, but I was happy for him. I thought he'd be giving the homily, but I was slightly disappointed when after he read the Gospel, the other priest made his way to the lecturn. After the Mass, parents and kids approached Jo. <br></span></p><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">I stayed on my seat and he approached me and joked, "Kamusta po?" It was good seeing the guy. From church, we went to the mall. Dinner at Tokyo Tokyo followed by coffee and a good chat at Gloria Jean's (again).</span><p class="MsoNormal" style="">He's leaving for the US on the 23rd. His assignment will be in some town named Muscatine in Iowa. I'm not sure when I'll see the guy again, but it feels good to know that there's one person praying for you.<br></p><!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-09T15:51:00+09:00'>3:51 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, June 7, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7266332107014678829' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7266332107014678829'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Carlo time on a Friday night...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7266332107014678829' itemprop='description articleBody'> <p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica; ">Friday evening was spent with Carl. We met up at 9 at Glorietta 4. Got a quick dinner at Food Choices then sinful dessert from Dairy Queen. We then caught a late movie screening. Afterwards, we hung out at Gloria Jean's til 3 in the morning just chatting. I was asking him questions about the new Zsazsa he was working on. Hehe! One of the questions was inspired by one of the baristas of Gloria Jean's. Hehe! It was two in the morning, so you can't really expect my mind to be functioning well. Haha! Anyway, I shamelessly asked Carlo if he would consider something for the new book and Carlo being Carlo, he said yes. Hehe! We got both excited about it and the next few minutes were spent conjuring possible scenarios for that project. Hehe! Can't wait for the next Zsazsa. Oooohhh! I'm excited.<o:p></o:p></span></p> <!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-07T16:05:00+09:00'>4:05 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Thursday, June 5, 2008</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='2548232258342411377' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6338788827432520043' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6338788827432520043'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Dinner at Soms and dessert at FIC...</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6338788827432520043' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><span class="insertedphoto"><img border="0" class="alignmiddleb" src=""></span><br>Sometimes, the most ordinary evenings can turn out to be one of the best get-togethers with friends.<br><br>Last night was one such evening. There wasn't any special occasion, but some friends from work decided to go out for dinner a long day at the office. For some reason, this week to be much stressful than the usual. (and we're all expecting the next three weeks to remain like this... eeep!) <br><br>We headed to Soms near Rockwell for a good dinner - tom yum, seafood friend rice, two kinds of curry, spring rolls, thai tea. It was a Thai cuisine feast. Haha! <br><br>From Soms, we moved to the ice cream bar of Fruits in Ice Cream at the Manansala in Rockwell. <br><br>We stayed out til 11PM, and the night really was good chatting and lots of good laughter. <br><br>Even if I only had five hours of sleep because of this gimik, it was well worth it. Hehe!<br><!-- multiply:no_crosspost --><p class='multiply:no_crosspost'></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Clayman</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2008-06-05T14:18:00+09:00'>2:18 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-2115585295'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager'> <span id='blog-pager-newer-link'> <a class='blog-pager-newer-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-newer-link' title='Newer Posts'>Newer Posts</a> </span> <span id='blog-pager-older-link'> <a class='blog-pager-older-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-older-link' title='Older Posts'>Older Posts</a> </span> <a class='home-link' href=''>Home</a> </div> <div class='clear'></div> <div class='blog-feeds'> <div class='feed-links'> Subscribe to: <a class='feed-link' href='' target='_blank' type='application/atom+xml'>Posts (Atom)</a> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class='column-left-outer'> <div class='column-left-inner'> <aside> </aside> </div> </div> <div class='column-right-outer'> <div class='column-right-inner'> <aside> <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'><div class='widget Profile' data-version='1' id='Profile1'> <h2>About This Boy</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <a href=''><img alt='My photo' class='profile-img' height='73' src='//' width='80'/></a> <dl class='profile-datablock'> <dt class='profile-data'> <a class='profile-name-link g-profile' href='' rel='author' style='background-image: url(//;'> Clayman </a> </dt> <dd class='profile-data'>Tokyo, Japan</dd> <dd class='profile-textblock'>My life in xx words. Thirties. Born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Right now, living and loving in Tokyo. Filipino & Nanyang. Enjoys conversations. Born to travel. Believes volunteerism makes a difference. Writes whenever inspired. Used to dream of becoming a father. City boy on the outside, country guy on the inside. Loves watching the sunrise.</dd> </dl> <a class='profile-link' href='' rel='author'>View my complete profile</a> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget HTML' data-version='1' id='HTML6'> <h2 class='title'>Nuffnang</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <!-- nuffnang --> <script type="text/javascript"> nuffnang_bid = "a344f4ddf5e381ab8cc85d4175a308fc"; document.write( "<div id='nuffnang_ss'></div>" ); (function() { var nn = document.createElement('script'); nn.type = 'text/javascript'; nn.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(nn, s.nextSibling); })(); </script> <!-- nuffnang--> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget BlogList' data-version='1' id='BlogList1'> <h2 class='title'>Pinas Represent</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div class='blog-list-container' id='BlogList1_container'> <ul id='BlogList1_blogs'> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Metaphorically Speaking</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> presenting today's blooms from my garden space </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Always a joy to see them, all colours and sizes, blooming in my garden. </span> <div class='item-time'> 4 weeks ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Professional Heckler</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> DECISIONS </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> 2 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> beyond toxicity</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> HAPPY 15TH BLOG ANNIVERSARY TO ALL OF US! </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Hello! After almost a year of hiatus from blogging, I am so back with a bang to celebrate in my own little way this blog’s fifteenth anniversary! Yes! Yo... </span> <div class='item-time'> 2 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> L'Heure Bleue</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Techno Revolution, Unnoticed </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> "It has always been a custom to duplicate every bit and part of me in a medium other than the hard disk. In a time when floppy drives were used to st... </span> <div class='item-time'> 5 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Closet Clutters</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Mga ilang tagpo ng gabing iyon </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Sa mga oras na iyon, tipong game na lang kaming magkakaibigan kung anong mangyari. Inumpisahan kasi nung isang guy na tumingin sa aming direksyon sa may St... </span> <div class='item-time'> 5 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> thelastnoel</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> LA Times Article on Gentrification </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I was interviewed for an article in the LA Times about the gentrification of my neighborhood, Historic Filipinotown. *For the last few months, Noel Alumi... </span> <div class='item-time'> 5 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Dear Zach, ...</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Bye. Follow My Twitter For Update @hoe2be </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Dear Zach, I hope everyone is doing well. It has been 3 months since I last posted. I am doing less than fine. This is my last post of my blog before I bid... </span> <div class='item-time'> 6 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Carver's House</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> When a Publisher Closes Doors </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> A number of you may heard that Visual Print Enterprises, or Visprint, the publisher of my books, will be closing its doors in 2021. They will no longer be ... </span> <div class='item-time'> 6 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My Thoughts, Exactly</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Alasan Rajin Mengikuti Upacara </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Upacara bukan merupakan hal yang sudah pasti semua orang mengetahuinya ,khususnya dinegara kita. Menurut direktur kesiswaan dikdasmen dikbut tahun 1998 up... </span> <div class='item-time'> 6 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> the wandering polar bear</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> gloomy friday </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Our help decided a few days ago to discontinue working for us. Shes been with us for just a few months. Though we cant really say her duties in the house a... </span> <div class='item-time'> 7 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> It started out with a text</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> another journey awaits me. </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Around eight weeks from now, I will be starting my journey through medical school. I am not getting any younger to delay this any further and maybe I am de... </span> <div class='item-time'> 7 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> orallyours</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Kinky Boots - "Not My Father's Son" </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> It's been four years. Missing Pops. </span> <div class='item-time'> 8 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> JapaneseAdobo</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Art by Katagiri: To Be Free </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> "To Be Free" Acrylic on 12"x12" Canvas So here's my very first attempt in exploring another medium to get my art out there. This painting is the very f... </span> <div class='item-time'> 8 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Désolé Boy</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> He touched me </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I had a very vivid dream last night. I find it so strange because I rarely dream nowadays. I dreamed that I was with this man, whose name I didn't know, h... </span> <div class='item-time'> 9 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Tipzstamatic</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> [Random] Confines (n) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Self righteous uptight bigots morality and religion make, yes? </span> <div class='item-time'> 9 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Pensées persistants d'une personne curieuse</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Bus 657 () Online streaming </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Full Length of Bus 657 in High Definition Format. Now you can see Bus 657 in HD quality with duration 120 Min and was published in and MPAA rating is 0. *... </span> <div class='item-time'> 9 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Gasoline Dude™</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> In The Limelight </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I just celebrated my (gulp!) 33rd birthday yesterday, and good thing it wasn’t as depressing as I thought it would be as I didn’t really plan any celebrat... </span> <div class='item-time'> 10 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Human, All Too Human</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> In Front of the Lens </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> - Previously: Basilan *"So there is no hope for change?" I ask him.* *"No", he says. "They're all crooks. What matters is: they're my crooks."* The ... </span> <div class='item-time'> 11 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> alphabeticalife</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> We've moved! </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Update your bookmarks, change your links and edit your Google Readers. We've moved! Please visit See you there! </span> <div class='item-time'> 12 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Go Grab Yourself Some of Me</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Burma 2012: Yangon, Bagan and Inle </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *Bagan Plains, Burma. * On the viewing deck at the foot of the 11th-century built Htilominlo Temple, I asked a young Burmese lady if she’s ever traveled to... </span> <div class='item-time'> 12 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> mush, moods, madness and more</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> nagpaparamdam </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> exactly a month after we last saw each other, nagparamdam ka. kung bakit naman kasi dinelete na kita sa ym pero di kita blinock. kaya ayun, nakuha ko iyong... </span> <div class='item-time'> 17 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Welcome to my 30 Lives</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.itemTitle]--> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.itemSnippet]--> </span> <div class='item-time'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.timePeriodSinceLastUpdate]--> </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> LIFE ON A CHICANE!</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.itemTitle]--> </span> - 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class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2015 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(182)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2014 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(214)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2013 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(185)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2012 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(200)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2011 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(129)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2010 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(180)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(27)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2009 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(171)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2008 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(227)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> <ul class='posts'> <li><a href=''>Mag-UPiktyuran na...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Angelina Jolie and two Koreans for the weekend...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Taga-UP ka ba? Get a chance to win a Smart Bro Plu...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Some thoughts on the "ick" factor...</a></li> <li><a href=''>A baby boy is on his way...</a></li> <li><a href=''>100 Nudes, dinner and Made of Honor at Gateway...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Ready to get on that bike again...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Three days of training are over...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Some sort of happy meal...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Student campers, foundation scholars and MVP...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Smart Buddy Me na Me invades Cebu...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Finally, tourist for an hour in Cebu...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Burger naman diyan...</a></li> <li><a href=''>The healer of the flesh now heals souls...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Carlo time on a Friday night...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Dinner at Soms and dessert at FIC...</a></li> <li><a href=''>To throw or not to throw...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Finding "shelter" and loving it...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Maybe I could be this...</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2007 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(229)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(27)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> 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part 2 of the root canal treatment. This time, it was a much more fun trip because I was with...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Happy Friday...</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'>Japanese version follows below Today was a bit humid. I guess summer is here. Haha! Thankfully, Cool Biz dress code has started this week....</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Still a Mama's boy...</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> I brought my Mom to the airport earlier. I have to say I was somewhat emotional while I was waiting for her to get past immigration. Ther...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Brunch, museum, dinner, angels...</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> My Saturday ended 30 minutes past twelve (and it was already a Sunday). Today was another busy day. There was not much activity. It was m...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>8月31日:今日は。。。</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'>交通組織(こうつうそしき)のパリで紙のチケットを廃止(はいし)することを発表(はっぴょう)しました。7月11日にパリの交通組織は2019からNavigoカードを使わないといけない。 三つの理由(りゆう)をあげました。まず、そのチケットは無くしやすいです。(なくしややすい)次に時...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>First day of telecommuting... </a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Today, I started working from home. Wait, let me correct that. Today, I started telecommuting. One of our big bosses told us that the co...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>6月8日:今日は。。。</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'>Today's writing practice: 鯨の死去はおなかの中から80枚のプラスチックのゴミが原因でした。 タイのニュース、タイの南の海岸(かいがん)で鯨 (くじら)が見つかりました。その鯨は雄(おす)です。 海岸の近くに住んでいる人たちは、その鯨を助け...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Random post...</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Just a few more weeks to go before we say goodbye to 2013. I've been ready to say goodbye since July of this year. It was mainly beca...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>An arm and a leg for dry cleaning... lol...</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'>Recently, our company released a bulletin saying that Cool Biz season is over. (Cool Biz is the term used for the summer dress code.) That m...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Taga-UP ka ba? Get a chance to win a Smart Bro Plug-it with an Asus eeePC laptop!</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Taga-UP ka ba? You have 100 days to showcase and share your stories by joining the UP Centennial SMART MMS Photo Competition! As part...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Label' data-version='1' id='Label1'> <h2>Labels</h2> <div class='widget-content cloud-label-widget-content'> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>21K run</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>30th birthday</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>31st birthday</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>32nd birthday</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>33rd birthday</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Career life</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ho Chi Minh and Cambodia trip</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>LGBT volunteer work</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>LGBTvolunteer work</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>MVP</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Myanmar</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>National Museum of Singapore</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-4'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>PG Boy and UP Boy</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(94)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pink Dot 2011</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pink Dot 2012</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pink Dot SG</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Quincy Hotel</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Singapore LGBT life</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Singapore life</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Singapore museums</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' 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