Friday, September 7, 2007

This Week's Friday Five...

1. What’s your favorite small office supply (like something that can fit in your top desk drawer)?
I'd have to say my fave small office supply are my multi-colored pens.

2. What’s your favorite medium office supply (like something that can fit on your desktop)?
For this one, it'll have to be my post-it pads. Can't live without them.

3. What’s your favorite large office supply (like a furnishing or a large tool)?
A nice, ergonomic, but stylish chair which I still have to find.

4. To which specific office supply do you have a particular personal attachment?
I'm attached to colorful file folders. Haha!

5. Which office supply do you consider yourself something of an expert on?
Hmmm, using alligator clips to slim down a person on a photo. Hahaha!

I'm done. Your turn.


Happy weekend!

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