Sunday, September 18, 2011

A dose of cheese over the weekend thanks to "Love in Space..."

I'm a sucker for cheesy, romantic movies. One of my OGTs. Hehe! So shoot me.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the movie poster for Love in Space. It's a Chinese film that's being shown locally. I wasn't sure whether it was good or what. But after seeing the trailer, I decided I want to see it.

Yesterday, I was able to drag a friend to go see it. Hehe.

The film looks into different kinds of romantic love stories experienced by a mother and her three daughters. All three girls have achieved much in life, except in the love affairs department.

A quick background.

The first sister and fellow astronaut are both in a space station. Once a couple, they broke up due to some misunderstandings.

The second sister's story shows how love is indeed powerful, empowering a person to face his or her fear to be with his or her match.

Lastly, the youngest sister is an popular actress who decides to go incognito to prepare for an upcoming role. As she works as a waiter at a local cafe, she meets a struggling writer who works as a waiter by day and a watermelon seller at night.

The two spend more time together, and eventually start to like each other. I sooo love how Wen Feng would give Peny a ride to her "home" on her watermelon cart.

However, Peony's manager tells her she has to go back to the real world sooner than she wanted. Wen Feng continues to wait for Peony, and they meet again when Wen Feng ends up as an extra in Peony's movie.

Drama unfolds, but in the end, love prevails and everything is just the way they should be.

The mother has her own love story, although the movie focused more on the story of the three daughters.

Of the love stories presented, obviously, my fave was that of the youngest sister and the struggling writer. I really thought that there was great chemistry between the actors who played the characters of Peony Huang (Angelababy) and Wen Feng (Jing Boran).

I really found actress Angelababy soooo pretty, and actor Jing Boran was really the boy-next-door kind of guy. Cute and dorky. Nice combination. Hehe!

The script was not bad either. If you want cheesy, if you want drama, if you want comedy, you would definitely get it from this film. The movie was also show at different locations including Beijing, Sydney and the International Space Station.

It is definitely one of my fave movies this year, for so many other reasons. *wink wink*

I hope a DVD is released.

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