Monday, March 25, 2013

Tailoring Tales: Transferring the pattern to the fabric...

On one occasion where I was waiting for my number to be called at the Philippine Embassy, I saw a streamer for a Filipino organization that offered various courses.

I decided to get the contact info of the said organization. The following day, I gave them a call to ask about one course I was interested in. Come weekend, I signed up for the course.

Yesterday was the second session of my Tailoring course.

Yup, it's Project Runway: Singapore OFW edition. Kidding. Hehe!

The classes are held on the afternoons of every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the Bayanihan Centre near Labrador Park MRT.

So far, the two sessions have been fun learning sessions. Our teacher, Tita Lisa, is a very nice lady who patiently answers my questions and explains things to me.

On the first session, I thought I'd be attending a lecture first. No, it was immediate hands on. One of the other teachers just explained to us the scale of an inch. After that, we were already making a pattern for our first project - pajama.

I had no "school materials" with me. Leave it to the kindness of fellow Filipinos to lend me a drawing paper for my pattern, pencils, measuring tape, erasers, etc.

During yesterday's session, Tita Lisa checked our patterns for our pajama and showed how to transfer the pattern to the fabric. I had my tools ready yesterday - tracing paper, tracing wheel, chalk, ruler, vary form curve ruler, L-shaped ruler.

The session ended with us cutting our fabric after the pattern was transferred.

Next session, we will piece the front and back of the pajamas. First time to use a sewing machine. Woohoo! :D

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