Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hello again, SG...

Though it was a holiday today, I decided to start working on my backlog. Before returning to Singapore, I wrote to my manager to request that the updated leave coverage notes be emailed to me so that I can go through the notes during the two-day holiday.

I felt it was a good idea so as to minimise the shock come Wednesday. Haha!

Thankfully, I was able to get about 70% of the work done before I decided to call it a day.

In the evening, I met up with Mon and Richie for a catchup and a Welcome Back/CNY dinner at Lau Pa Sat.

The duo decided to check in at Fullerton Bay Hotel for a staycation. I definitely wanted to see them!

We decided to go for dinner at LPS because Mon was craving for satay.

It was really nice seeing both of them. While we were walking back to the hotel, I couldn't help but exclaim that Singapore really is such a beautiful place. Hehe!

To cap the night, we had whiskey/sprite while watching Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp on TV.

What a great first day back in SG!

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