Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Some Thoughts on Dating...

Twice my friends have been trying to set me up on a date. And twice, I have said, "No, thanks." And it's not because I'm feeling egotistical or too self-confident.

It's actually the opposite.

After the breakup two years ago, I was sort of feeling less enthusiastic about getting involved again, or even just dating, for that matter. Did I really want to do the whole dating game again? Did I really want to stand on the edge of an emotional cliff once more?

Hmm, the answer is yes. I would love to go out on a date again. And it doesn't have to be because I want to get into a relationship again, but if only to feel that "mushy" feeling again, I would go out on a date.

Though I must say that I sort of have a new perspective on dating. People should really "just go as they are."

Yeah, yeah, people would always say, "That's the basic rule. Go as yourself." But seriously, how many people do that? Hours before you meet your date, you find yourself taking a little more time in the bathroom, spending couple minutes more finding what to wear, squeezing out a little more hair product to get your hair to look better, spritzing more than the usual of your favorite cologne.

What I'm saying is we should probably just stop keeping Dr. Jekyll inside the closet and let him have a cameo during the date. If you're the flipflops kind of guy, why show up in dress shoes? If you're the vintage tee, torn jeans kind of guy, what's the point of showing up in tjuzed shirts and designer jeans? What I'm saying is I'd already like to see my date's Dr. Jekyll side on the first date. And the date would also get to see my own Dr. Jekyll side.

It's a bit risky, because the first date is usually meant to impress the other person so that there'll be a second date. But sersiouly, isn't seeing the "flaws" of the other person on a first date something to be thankful for already?

Maybe then we'd even appreciate our date's honesty and transparency. Maybe then there would be less "surprises" when the two of you do get into a relationship. And maybe the chances of knowing whether you really have a chance of getting into a relationship with this other person becomes easier to assess.

Does this make me appear too cynical?


  1. sighhh , you're right. We do put up a front when meeting someone new or going for a date.

    Maybe next time I'll try to go as my sloppy self, just to see how things go .. haha.

    Well, all the anticipation at the start does mean you're interested, right ?
