Thursday, January 14, 2016

The activity went well again...

This afternoon, I led my second activity for the group. I thought it was just as okay as the first one. My team mates thought today was better. Our volunteer manager thought there was also progress in how we led our activities today.

Hmm, to be honest, I thought I improved in some areas but I'm sure I still have a lot to improve on.

I was happy with my time management and classroom management. There were also a few magic moments during the activity. By magic moments, I mean some of the things that I planned didn't happen but quick thinking saved my a**. Haha!

We had a new girl in the group, a Palestinian girl. Yesterday, we had a Palestinian boy. He didn't show up today though.

The highlight of the day though was when one of the Japanese ladies in the group approached me after the activity and told me that she enjoyed the activity and found it interesting.

That made my heart melt. To be honest though, she is an inspiration to me.

She is already in her 70s but she is still actively engaging in the program. She could stay home and live a relaxed life but she chooses to make good use of her time. That's really inspiring!

Meanwhile, it's sweltering in Bangkok. Singapore is hot, but man, Bangkok is turning out to be hotter. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not sweaty even before the day starts. I'm not complaining though.

It's a good week.

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