Saturday, January 19, 2008

Man Juice and Fatherhood...

"You can have my sperm, if you want."

I said to a girl friend the other day, and I know, I know, it didn't sound the way I had meant it to sound. The intention for that statement was to offer some help. A good friend was telling me about some "issues" about her ovaries, and since she's starting to feel that it's probably time to bear a child, I jokingly volunteered my own. (I was considered as a last resort though. Hahaha!)

I even presented the pros of the crazy idea. I said to her, "If you think about it, it would be a win-win situation. There'd be absolutely no talk about marriage for obvious reasons. The child need not carry my name, which I think you'd like. You'll get to be a Mom and hopefully, it'll also help the ovary "issue." You can date whoever you want to date. I can date whoever. And I'd finally be a Dad, which I' started dreaming of when I turned 25."

We both laughed at this outlandish and really insane idea.

I'm dreaming of becoming a Dad, but given the situation, I know it's far from happening. Why? While I do want to be a Dad, I don't want to be a husband to any Mrs. (although I know I probably could be.)

But fatherhood, that's a different matter. I can see myself as a soccer Dad - bringing my kid to school, cheering for him (or her) during intramurals, attending PTA meetings, organizing school fundraisers. Hahaha! Ten years ago, I wouldn't have thought about these things. Haha!

I think that the day I hear a little human being call out to me "Dad", then I could really say I've had the greatest life experience and probably I'd be happiest.

But until then, I'd probably have to be happy and content with being the refined "Tito."


  1. ..... then I'd probably being the 'soccer mom'

  2. what is "Tito" ? hehe

  3. wayne: LOL. Either way, I'm fine with it. Hehe!

    JP: "Tito" is Tagalog/Filipino for Uncle.
