Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday nights at NUS Bukit Timah...

The past two Tuesday nights have been spent at the track oval of NUS Bukit Timah.

SG buddies Sarge, Chris, Ian and I have been doing some speed training.

Uhm, actually it's Ian and Sarge who have been doing the speed training.

I, on the other hand, am struggling to do some speed training. Chris is doing his own thing. Hehe!

The NUS BT campus is really quite good and conducive for training.

There are several other groups that go there to train. Some for football. Some for basketball. Some for tennis.

Being there really encourages one to try to be fit. Hehe!

So I think we'll be there the next few weeks, or until the big race in December. Hehe!

But I got to say that the best part of the training is not at the campus. Hehe! It's afterwards when we head to Newton Circus for dindin. Hehe!

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