Saturday, December 1, 2012

Major surprise from PG Boy...

Weekend just got even better.

Just came from brunch with good friend Mon. We went to Wild Honey, and it was a good one.

Afterwards, we agreed to go jalan jalan since we both had nothing to do. Mon then asked if we could pass by LP so he can get his stash of rubbing alcohol. I said it won't be a problem.

Who do we bump into at the LP lobby? PG Boy!

He hands over a bag from Awfully Chocolate to Mon and thanks him. I was still completely clueless, but obviously they were in cahoots over some plan. Haha!

PG Boy told me to just follow him. We walked to Paragon and then took the back exit leading to Mount E. I've never really gone to that area since Orchard was where all the action is.

We walk for a few minutes and then PG Boy leads me to the lobby of Quincy. We take the lift and then...

... the room above.

Major surprise from PG Boy! Birthday celeb cum first anniv celeb cum first staycation ever. Haha! Woohoo!