Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Paul meets Jean Paul...



Paul is no longer alone.

I was on my way to the gym last night and I passed by Rustan's Supermarket to get my 100 Plus.

Since I was there, I decided to look for the aisle where they had the water giants - Perrier, Evian, Volvic, and so on.

Wala lang. I decided to follow franayr's tip (Thanks for the tip!) to check with Rustan's. Who knows? They might have it. After all, they're the leading local distributor of everything designer. Hehehe!

I was already prepared to not see the Gaultier and Lacroix bottles because they came out couple of years back.

But just like on so many occasions, Rustan's delivered. Haha! While checking out designer water shelves, there it was. About a dozen bottles of Gaultier-designed Evian bottles. Woohoo!

At first, I was tempted to get two. Just so both PS bottles would have a partner. But then I remembered that I'm about to go hungry this week so I changed my mind and just decided to get one. Hehe! Bahala na te other bottle.

So this morning, Paul met Jean Paul and the boys are now hanging out on my desk. Yahooo!

Now, all I need to look for is Christian and then the barkada will be complete. Help, help please. :)

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