Monday, May 21, 2012

Buhbye, PB...

Over the weekend, I received a very sad message via FB from a friend I haven't seen in a long time.

The message was short.

"PB passed on. He committed suicide this morning."

It wasn't the kind of message you'd want to hear just as your weekend is about to start. It's not the kind of message you ever want to receive. Period.

But there it was.

I haven't really seen PB for a long, long time. I didn't know him that well, too.

The time we got to spend together was very short.

It was such a long time ago. I was starting with my professional life. He was still going through college.

One memory I have of him is that we wrote poetry together... literally.

But as I've said, that was such a long time ago.

Obviously, a lot of things have happened since then.

I wonder though what kind of things. What led PB to decide to put an end to things? And as my good friend Carlo said, he's not even 30 yet. A whole life still waited for him.

The photo above is one of the last entries in his blog.

No, I think it was the last entry.

The following day, he did put an end to it all.

Rest in peace, PB. Praying for you.

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