Sunday, May 20, 2012

Meeting Pg Boy's sis...

Well, it was quite a very memorable weekend. 

In particular, Friday night was.

Earlier during the week, Pg Boy sent me a message. "Hey, my sister will be in town this Friday. You free to join us for dinner?"

My first reaction was, "Seriously, you're inviting me to a dinner with your sister?!"

It was a completely unexpected but a very much welcome surprise.

Pg Boy's sis has flown to SG a couple of times, but this is the first time he's invited me to a dindin with her. 

Oh, wow. This is huge, at least, for me. 

Filipino that I am, my first thought was, "Hmm, I must bring something for her."

I dunno about other people, but meeting a member of your partner's family is a huge thing for me and thus, creates some pressure. Hehe! To a certain extent, the pressure is twice in my situation because I feel like I am also carrying the flag of the Philippines. Haha!

A day before the dinner, I ask Pg Boy that I was thinking of getting her sis something sweet.

Pg Boy insisted that there was no need for it, but I also insisted that I wanted to.

He then replied that I could bring anything durian, since she loves it vmuch.

"Wahlau! Where to find something durian?" was the thought that quickly entered my head.

Fortunately, I remembered that Goodwood Park Hotel was having a Durian Fiesta until the end of June.

So from Buona Vista, I rushed to Orchard to get a box of durian puffs. Whooopppee! The puffs were placed in a nice box, and in a nice carrier. That certainly had to add to my pogi points. Hehe!

From Orchard, I headed back to BV where Pg Boy, his best friend Ho and Pg Boy's sis picked me up.

As I got in the car, I flashed my best (nervous) smile to Pg Boy's sis and gave her a good handshake.

We then headed to Ghim Moh Road for chili crab dinner. Pg Boy's best friend did the ordering and we ended up having too much food.

Initially, I was quite nervous but then I knew that I had to put my best foot forward.  

And do that I think I was able to accomplish.

Eventually, I felt more myself and found myself talking to Pg Boy's sis about things. Even though I was the newbie in the group (Pg Boy's sis has known Ho for the longest time), I'm glad that I didn't feel like the newbie.

Major pogi points for Pg Boy for sitting with me at the back of the car after dinner. And more pogi points for not feeling uncomfortable when I placed my hand on his thigh while his sis was there. He even placed his arm over my shoulder as we drove to…. lol… Geylang, where we had durian. 

Because I stayed on the other side of the island, I had to leave earlier to catch the bus and the last train headed to my area.

Right after dinner, when we got back inside the car, I got my durian puff goodies and handed them over to Pg Boy's sis. She was surprised by the gesture, and she was also grateful.

Yesterday, I naturally asked Pg Boy about his sister's feedback.

He gave good feedback from his sis, so I was really happy about it. Pg Boy was also happy that I've finally met a member of his family.

When he asked me how I felt, I said, "I'm glad I survived, given that I met the toughest one." Hehe!

He then replied, "Oh, but you haven't met my Mom."

I replied, "I'm not worried about your Mom. I've always, always charmed Moms." And we both just laughed.

Pg Boy's sis - check. The folks in Pg - up next. 

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