Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The nicest kids (were) in town...

What a memorable Friday (uhm, it was already a Saturday)!!!

Jonjon and Cyp are in town for vacay. Like true blue Singaporeans, the two decided to fly out of the Lion City during Chinese New Year to celebrate it elsewhere.

I must say that the two have adapted to the local culture quite fast, huh. Haha!

Of course, I was more than happy that the two decided to come over.

We've been planning the tugs tugs night as early as mid of January, and we've done nothing on Twitter but talk about how we're really looking forward to tugs tugs night! Hehe!

A week before their arrival, I received some good news. It required some changes in schedules. It was either I see the boys for just a short while or I choose a later sched for some "errands" so I can hang out with them for a longer time.

The choice was definitely easy. Choose a later schedule so I can spend more time with the two. ;)

It was a fantab get-together. Met up with Cyp, Jon and the usual suspects at Starbucks. We then headed to our happy place and spent the next few hours just being crazy. Haha!

The two flew back to Singapura this morning at a very ungodly 4AM flight. I got to see them again even for just a few minutes. Haha!

Take care, Cyp and Jon! Kitakits soon!

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