Monday, May 10, 2010

Today, I am angry but also hopeful...






Addendum: I wrote the post below right as soon as I got home. When I found out that some friends waited in line for 4 hours, 6 hours (!!!) just to cast their vote, I realized that I have nothing to complain about. Really proud of everyone who decided to bear the heat, the inconvenience, the high BP just to be able to vote. Galing mo, Pinoy!

Two hours lining up to enter the voting precinct. Five minutes to cast my vote.

I am a very, very angry and frustrated Filipino voter.

I got up early so I can be at the voting precinct early. The goal was to finish the whole process as quickly as possible.

Guess what, I ended up standing in line for about two hours. I almost got into an argument with a guy who was just doing his job. I got so angry and frustrated that the whole thing did not have that much order and process. I got angry how some fellow voters would let their friends or relatives cut the line, while we waited and waited.

But above all, I felt sorry. I felt ashamed.

Today is a day I am not proud to be a Filipino.

But today, I am also hopeful. That despite everything, things will change, things can still change. Things can and will get better.

And that is why I didn't leave the line. That is why I chose to bear the heat and the inconvenience. That is why I kept my cool.

That is why I voted.

If you are a registered voter, I hope you exercised your right today. I hope you went out and vote.

That one shade could be the key to change in this country.

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