Thursday, June 28, 2012

Got my first two Postcrossing cards...

Recently, I wrote about Postcrossing.

It's this online project I stumbled upon whereby people from around the world tell other people from other parts of the globe about their own local culture via a postcard exchange.

Somewhat similar to a social networking site, except that this one involves the real world. Hehe. In a way, it also is keeping snail mail alive.

Guess what?

I just got my first two postcards. Wheeee!

My first ever Postcrossing card (and my first ever postcard from this particular country) is from Tanja who lives in Klagenfurt, Austria. She sent me a postcard showing the Klagenfurt Dragon. A quick Google of Klagenfurt Lindwurm led to an interesting historical background. :)

A day or two after, I got another postcard. This time, it's from Kathleen who is in the US. She sent me a postcard with the very familiar Grand Canyon. Just as interesting. :)

Since the postcards I've sent have already been received, I am now entitled to send three more postcards. Cool! I just requested for new addresses and all three random addresses I got are from Postcrossers living in Russia.

Can't wait to get more postcards!


  1. Ang galeng! Isn't it exciting to receive something in the mail other than those bills. Aylaveth, will sign up for an account soon
