Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pink Dot 2014...

Saturday was quite busy.

In the morning, I finished watching the season 3 finale of Downton Abbey. What a finale! I still haven't recovered from the whole Lady Sybil incident and now this. Haha! I messaged my SG-MNL group chat friends who have all seen Downton and they all sympathised with me. Lol. It's funny how a TV series can affect one living in the real world.

The major event for the day was Pink Dot. However, I managed to squeeze in some time to go to the gym for Pump. I also managed to convince Jon to join me for class. Tipz was supposed to join us (or I think he at least wanted to join) but Westgate is just too far from him. That and the fact that the class was too early. Hehe!

In the afternoon, I headed to Hong Lim Park to join the Pink Dot celebration. This is the third time I joined the event. Hmm, my feelings for the event have been changing through the years but I still went anyway because Richie wanted to go and because I wanted to support my Singapore friends.

It was a successful event. This year was a bit tense though because it is the first time that individuals of certain religious groups spoke out. Thankfully, everything proceeded peacefully.

Happy Pink Dot!

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