Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rockstars and star athletes for a night... hehehe!

Last Friday, some colleagues sort of became kids again as we stayed til the wee hours of the morning at a colleague's house playing Rock Band and Wii. Haha!

As a kid, I only got to play video games whenever my cousins were allowed to play with their Family Computer (the kids today wouldn't know what this is anymore... hehe).

It wasn't that fun for me though, because they bullied me a lot (that's another story) so video games didn't really grow on me. It was only in my college years, with Timezone, better video games, RPGs on computers coming, I slowly found myself liking video games. Hehe!

Anyway, Friday was similar to my childhood video game playing moments, except that the bullying has been replaced with real fun and laughter. Hahaha!

For several hours, we unleashed the rockstar in us as we struggled with the drumset and the guitar. The only thing that we got to perfect most of the time was the vocals. Haha!

When we got tired of playing the "Eye of the Tiger," which was the only song where we got decent scores, we moved on to Wii.

It was my first time to play both and I'm just so amazed, really amazed with technology. It really brought the gaming experience to a whole new level. But I'm glad I got to see the "evolution" of video games beginning with Game 'N Watch to Atari to Family Computers to the more advanced ones today. Haha!

We left Stephie and Chippi's house at 4 in the morning and I got home at 6AM!!! I had to get up at 10AM to make it to spinning class at noon, but it was okay because Friday night was really a blast!

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