Monday, March 8, 2010

30-Day Tumblr Challenge: Day 8 — A photo that makes you angry/sad

The photo above is from the Pride March in Malate last December.

I was planning to attend the March, but I had an earlier commitment. Thankfully, the event I had to go to and the March were in the same area. So as soon as I got out of the event, I rushed to the street to catch the tailend of the parade.

It was my first time to see the Pride March, and it was also my first time to see something like the photo above. While the parade passed, there was a group of anti-gay religious groups telling "us" to repent for we are going to burn in hell. I thought we were more tolerant. I had no idea that groups like this are also here. Man, how ignorant of me.

It was saddening, but seeing the LGBT groups answer back was a good source of hope and strength. I liked how the groups that passed by stood up to the anti-LGBT group.

Respect, tolerance. From others. One would think these need not be earned but should automatically be given. We're all human beings, after all. But that's not the case.

Like the several generations of LGBTs ahead of us, we still have to fight for it.

1 comment:

  1. for every person who wants to be happy, there is almost always someone who would stop at nothing to make sure that doesn't happen. don't sweat them. importante yung personal relationship mo with Him.
