Friday turned out to be quite exciting.
In the afternoon, I was at one of our offices for a walk through of an event I co-hosted this morning. My boss volunteered me to be a host for the event, and I'm pretty sure it was a random choice. Maybe I was just in the boss' line of sight when the need for a co-host came up. Haha! Anyway, I co-hosted with colleague Pat and two people from a sister company. That was fun, but it's going to be another post.
What was more exciting was Friday evening. Tey asked me to go to a party she and another colleague were attending. The party was for the launch of this new service, which the company will offer in partnership with a Japanese company. Anyway, since I've been thinking that I should put myself out in the playing field more, I decided to go. The event was held at Embassy in the Fort, and although a.) it was more of a company party because the crowd were people from work and the only guests were our Japanese counterparts, and b.) it wasn't really my "scene," I still had a good time.
I got a VIP pass for supposedly attending on behalf of our department head, and that turned out to be a big advantage. I was able to get Tey and myself a couple of rounds of vodka cranberry, so that was cool. After a couple of drinks, I felt much better. (Can someone say alcoholic? Hehehe!) Tey introduced me to two of our Japanese counterparts - Masaki-san and Makoto-san and we pretty much chatted. I'm glad I was able to have a Nihongo basics session back with the old company because I was able to use some phrases. I think our Jap friend were (pleasantly) surprised when after I was introduced to them, I go like, "Morales desu. Anjero to yonde kudasai. Dozo yoroshiku." followed by a bow. No I wasn't drunk. Not that drunk anyway. I was just being fun.
Somewhere in our conversation, Tey and I found ourselves volunteering to take Masaki and Makoto out for the night, if they still wanted to party. They were going to leave for Tokyo the following morning, and the only things they've seen are my company's building and Embassy. The launch party ended around 10 or so. After Masaki and Makoto got permission from their boss to go out, we left Embassy and headed to nearby Piedra. I thought the atmosphere was not too "party" enough, so we moved to Greenbelt instead.
First stop was Absinth. Colleague Maybelle invited us to go because it was the bar's anniversary. If Piedra was not too "partying," Absinth was the exact opposite. The place was crowded. We couldn't get seats. We couldn't get beers. So we headed to Greenbelt 2 and ended up at Mezze. It was okay I guess. We had about two more rounds of San Mig Light paired with calamares and spanakopita, while talking about work, Japan, Manila, how they should come back for a longer stay.
By 1AM, Masaki and Makoto decided to call it a night. They had to leave the hotel at 645AM for their morning flight. So from Greenbelt, Tey and I dropped them off at nearby Shangri-la. It was a good evening. I made some new friends. I had a night life resurrected for a night. I was socializing. I had fun.
I got home at 2AM. And that's when I remembered, I had to be up in 4 hours for my hosting event. Haha! It's all good though.
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