Time to pack my bags again. For the next three weeks, will be in and out of town for work. Hehe. Tomorrow, it's Pampanga. From Sunday to Tuesday, it'll be Baguio. Back in Manila on Wednesday for change of clothes. And then, it's Pampanga again on Thursday and Friday. Hehe! Then the week after, it'll be Cebu and the last one would be Cagayan de Oro.
We have this exciting online project, and some colleagues and project partners will be going to different provinces to conduct training to our target participants.
It's going to be exciting. It's going to be (relatively) new. It's going to be collaborative. And if everything goes well and if the participants see the relevance of the project to their everyday lives, it's something I (and the other members of the group) will definitely be happy about. Hehehe!
When I applied for this job, there was a box in the application form that asked "Willing to travel?" and the choices (after ticking the yes) were "Light, Moderate, Heavy), I naturally ticked "Heavy" because I enjoy road trips. Hehehe!
And now, I'm getting myself into what I wanted. I've always been happy with road trips. In my first job (with an NGO), I got to the remotest of places. Some places were really remote that there is only one scheduled trip a day to get to that barrio and to get back to the city. If you miss that trip, it'll be another overnight. I was okay with that. Actually, I didn't mind spending one more night in the community to be with the local residents. Going to places, near or far, is always just a learning experience. I swear, had it not been for that NGO/volunteer work experience, I wouldn't have known or experienced whatthe life of fellow Filipinos in the countryside is. (This is another entry.)
Anyway, I guess while I'm really excited about all the trips, I wish I were more physically prepared for it. I wish I'm able to keep my energy level up and just keep on going, because there's just so much to do. There's so much that can be done. Hehehe!
I remember an Eraserheads song "Superproxy." That's what I need right now. Hehe! I wonder if it would be nice if we can clone ourselves when there's much work to do, and then de-clone ourselves. Hehe!
All the physical fatigue only means one thing. Aging. Haha! Bumibigay din ang katawang lupa.
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