Last Thursday, I was asked to host the graduation of the Student Camp. It was fun. It was great seeing some of the campers again, especially because some of them have already become friends of sorts.
The Student Camp is a special kind of apprenticeship. Out of the 400 hundred applicants, less than a hundred were accepted to the program. The Student Campers then spend about 2 months training with the company. They also get to engage in "Kamustahan" sessions, where they met top execs like Mr. Polly Nazareno, and they also got to hang out with the TNT basketball players. So it was really a good internship, I should say.
Anyway, the program went well. I had more fun after the program because I got to hang out with the kiddies-Tatan and Francis from the Global Access group, and then from the Foundation together with Chelle, Abbie, Sarah and another kid who's name I forgot. Eeep!
We all just hung out, chatted, and enjoyed the drinks.
Oh, the other highlight was getting to be on stage again with the main man, MVP. It was nice seeing him enjoying the company of the kids. The guy really loves students I must say. I met MVP during the recruitment for the Student Camp, and now we see each other again at the closing program. Maybe the next time we see each other again, he'll already remember my name. Hehehe!
Uhm, lastly, I've been having some hosting gigs for the company. Aside from the Student Camp recruitment and the graduation, there was this awarding ceremony for scholars of the company's foundation. Hehehe! It's all good, but I have to say that I always, always get nervous before I go onstage. I hope it's not that obvious. But I'm really happy once we reach the closing part because that's the time that I can say the whole program was a success. Or at least, I'm happy. Hehehe!
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