The past two days, plus today, have been spent out of the office. Along with some other colleagues from other departments, I attended a training on management and leadership. Although being out of the office the entire day meant having to spend a couple of hours more of work at the end of the day (to check emails, etc.), it was a good training.
The training was given by the Ateneo Center for Org. Research & Dev't, and our trainer, Jay, was good. He knew what he was talking about, and I absolutely loved the Keynote presentation. Haha! Sorry, but presentations really matter to me. If it's boring, augh, I'm surely going to tune out. Aside from the presentation, the guy was also funny so that kept us awake especially during the early afternoon sessions. Hehe!
Uhm, most of the concepts weren't new, but it's good to have gone through the training because things were reinforced. Hehe! The topics - managing work, managing your boss, coaching, conflict management - were all definitely helpful.
I don't really have people under me, but I'm sure the stuff would be useful when that day comes. Hehe! Or I can use it now with the clients/departments I interface with.
Lastly, the certificate was most amusing. There was a class photo, and that was nice. I was amused with the fact that they wrote my entire name on the certificate. Haha! The last time I saw my entire name was on my university diploma I think.
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