Harharhar... look what I found over the weekend. Pack rat that I am (blame it on my parents), I've still been keeping this box.
What's inside are cheesy greeting cards, movie tickets, Starbucks receipts, musical tickets, wrist bands from parties, souvenirs from trips, a small stuff toy, happy photos, among others, from the (almost) four years of you-know-what. Haha! Truth is, there are three boxes, but the one above is the box.
Hmm, I'm wondering whether I should throw all the contents already or if I should just keep the boxes and just let them accumulate dust for the next few years.
Part of me can already throw the stuff away, another part is sort of wanting to keep the stuff not because I still don't want to or can't let go, but because these are souvenirs from the first and only I've ever had.
What to do... what to do...
The bigger news for me is that the last time I saw this box, it was just there on my shelf. When I stumbled upon the box over the weekend, it was inside a plastic bag. That means only one thing. My Mom saw the box. And my being my Mom, I'm quite sure she opened the box to see what's inside.
Maybe that's the reason why she put it in a plastic bag and hid it in the shelf. Looks like more than me, it's my Mom who has the letting go to do. Hehehe! Bad Angelo.
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